Small Business Saturday: The Entrepreneurs Dream
Small Business Saturday ‘The Entrepreneurs Dream‘ is sandwiched between Corporate Black Friday and ‘Try’ to compete with Amazon on Cyber Monday.
Every year the week preceding Thanksgiving consists of the ‘Door Buster’ buzz. The must have’s and how many are there for the same items we sought after the year before. That slight improvement in a product that was going to make our lives that much better or easier.
For years now the true meaning of Thanksgiving has been overshadowed by the almighty corporate dollar. The hottest technology at the best possible price has taken priority over being thankful for your loved ones and friends and sharing time together to celebrate the life that you have with them.
The ability to order online on Thanksgiving has shortened the lines outside of Retail Giants Walmart, Best Buy and Target. Yet the doors are still flooded with customers focused on the corporate induced, modern age tradition of Black Friday Door Busters. Leaving the true tradition of Thanksgiving, nothing but a memory for retail employees.
Sandwiched in-between Black Friday and Cyber Monday is the often over-looked Small Business Saturday. The entrepreneur, the small business owner, the mom & pop shop that had the Entrepreneur Dream, the American Dream of having their own business. Providing for their family while selling a product or service they believe in and giving back to the community that they call ‘home’.
“Small Business Saturday is an annual holiday meant to call attention to the importance of small businesses in our economy and to encourage support for small companies …”(Your Guide To Small Business Saturday2019-Small Business Trends).
During this busy holiday shopping season remember Small Business Saturday. Remember to take time to shop in your local community. When you shop in your local community, you help support your local economy and the future of your town and the place that “You” call home.
Take some time this holiday season to explore some of the small shops locally. You may discover hidden gems that you never new were in your backyard. The support that you give them is valued more than you know!
How many small strip malls or vacant storefront windows do you pass every day? Those vacant stores were once the entrepreneur who had a vision for their future and their family. Yet due to the inability to stay competitive and compete with the ‘I’ll just look on Amazon’ society they have fallen to the way side.
Can the entrepreneur … the small business owner compete with Amazon and Corporate America?
They can with the right education and the means to market themselves on the same pages the average person views each day online. Yet the awareness of how to do it strategically is where the problem is.
Universities don’t teach traffic generation that is current with today’s ever changing market place. Not thru the fault of their own, but through the lack of having hands on “in the trenches” experience. Yet businesses still look to local college and universities to provide them with the answers.
There are programs available that can teach entrepreneurs, small businesses and those struggling to compete with Amazon and corporate chains. However the means of teaching are no longer in the classroom but through online education specific to niche and business topics. The majority of these online courses are taught by Entrepreneurs who have taken their years of online experience and perfected them into a course that will provide proven results.

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There are a lot of great small businesses that every day must compete with Amazon, Ebay, Walmart and many more industry giants. Making the effort to make a purchase from a small business, even just today or once a month, breathes life into your local community and their economy.
Once a month can be the difference between keeping their dream alive or having another vacant storefront window you will drive past in the future.
The next time you wonder ‘what happened’ to that store – realize that you could have made a difference. The Entrepreneur’s Dream is still alive for many, yet making their voice (product/service) heard can only happen with the right education.
Something to keep in mind – the giants of today – the Amazons & the Apples all were at one time an Entrepreneur with a dream.

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I wanted to share this perspective with you. The importance of entrepreneurs and small businesses should never ever be overlooked. We should never stop dreaming, creating and believing in our goals and dreams not just for ourselves and our families, but also the community we call ‘home’.
We created our business Worksmarter4u based on trying to help others become better at what they do. By educating them on the different options available today and sharing information from personal experience to try to help others create the success they have always dreamed of.
The entrepreneur and small business owner has the ability to grow their business locally as well as expand their presence and reach online and have a larger impact on the world.
Remember you don’t have to wait until next Thanksgiving – Black Friday, Small Business Saturday or Cyber Monday to make a difference in the life of a local small business owner and ‘The Entrepreneurs Dream’.
My best to you always in your search for happiness and success in life.
Rick Fronek
CEO Worksmarter4u /
For questions, concerns or direct assistance with your business, please contact us here.
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If you are interested in becoming an independent Entrepreneur and creating your own business online please reach out to us or find more information right here