Entrepreneurs: The Value Of A Mentor

Entrepreneurs The Value Of A Mentor For Entrepreneurs the value of a mentor is priceless.  So many online marketing opportunities and 'get rich quick' schemes are  rampant accross the internet.   The term mentor or coach is used to entice enthusiastic entrepreneurs into believing their offer will lead to financial freedom and care-free days.  Opportunities that seem to good to be true, usually are.  Differentiating between a 'true' mentor and a 'catch phrase mentor' is the real key in determining your success.  The signs of a true mentor will be discussed as they are often overlooked by that shiny object of…

Ecommerce Trend Impacts Business Education

  The current Ecommerce Trend Impacts Business Education and creates an urgency not to be overlooked. The recent Bankruptcy filing by Toys R Us is a red flag that even the most stable brick and mortar retailers are feeling the pressure of the ecommerce surge. "...the ultimate toyland for a generation of postwar baby boomers, filed for bankruptcy thanks to a crushing debt load from a buyout and relentless competition from warehouse and online retailers." - Bloomberg As more consumers turn to online retail shopping, even the most stable of long term retail stores are at risk!  Amazon, Walmart, and…

How to Build A Successful Ecommerce Business

How to Build a Successful Ecommerce Business that will provide long term stability and financial independence.  The key is having the education to separate your product and business from the competition. We will discuss the current trends and the options available out there to have your Ecommerce Business excel.  Entrepreneurs and small retail businesses have an opportunity of a lifetime to position themselves now.  Keep in mind Ecommerce growth does NOT just pertain to Large Retail Stores! Social media (Facebook,Instagram,Twitter) is proof that specialty store owners and entrepreneurs have a voice to be heard. Ecommerce is one of the top…

Continuing Education in Business is Critical For Ecommerce Growth

Continuing Education is a necessity to position your business for Ecommerce Growth in today's market. For small and large brick and mortar businesses the time is now to position themselves for economic growth. Their future success and existence will depend on their ability to position themselves in the ecommerce trend.  With information overload prevelant online, finding the right source for continuing education is a daunting task. Recognizing ecommerce trends and providing the necessary education is our focus for future success.  Filling the void in the internet marketing space for the highest level of continuing education and products to grow your…

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